it's weekend again!! Saturday, decided to window shopping for babies stuff. firstly went to mid valley, all the boutique from the cheap one to expensive branded i redah je masuk. saje nak tengok-tengok je. For the first time i didn't look at my stuff to buy. Geram je tengok barang-barang babies ni so so cute. For the baby girl there's so much pretty and beautyFULL with much variety of colors . I don't care if my baby a boy or a girl, the most important sihat dan selamat dilahirkan. my husband want to go to "kakimotor", he really damn adore to this car seat recaro brand so pegi la temankan. Confirm he want to buy that one for our baby. Then have a lunch at Tenpayaki's, buy some groceries at jusco then went back home at 8.00 pm
Sunday, went to Subang Parade, actually plan to OU and that area tapi tak larat plak nak gi sana. so as yesterday main masuk every single boutique and shops yang babies stuff/kids stuff which included the toy's r us. got some stuff yang dah aim and akan di beli. kebetulan that time ada audition for Raja Lawak by astro and performance by those AF 5 so we spend time to watch for a while but not so fanatic la, Lepas penat berjalan as usual makan time at nando's which is one of my favorite. Went back home at 6.00 pm, after all we had aim what to buy and not. The next window shopping will be at OU , The Curve and that area. Some stuff i planned to buy online.