Monday, 31 December 2007

New Year 2008

I believed that everyone got so much thing that happened this year and it’s will become the memorable moment in our life. No matter the memory happy, sad, weird, tragic, funny etc, 2007 is the journey we’ve been through. For the coming New Year 2008 new book, new journey and new experience. As usual at the end of the year people been thinking what’s the resolution for the new year and for sure the answer will be “I want to be more successful than last year”, have more better life and bla bla bla…. But the strange feeling inside me I am getting older again. huh !! If only I could be young again he he. Before I close my eyes for bedtime I’m wondering what is the life I have to face the next year? Am I tough enough to face it? For this year I want to become a good mommy, have better life, good health and to love my husband more. So hope u guys also had plan what to do for 2008. Happy New New 2008 !!

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