Sunday, 28 June 2009

mentally down

My mind and body tersangatlah letih, need some rest lor.plan for a long holiday dah ada but i guess there will be no approval or 'tidak dilayan sama sekali'. Some of my clicks at office notice that i look stress at work. yes i do look mentally down. for those who know why, you guys know la kan!! i really dunno untill when i will be like this. maybe it's time for me to work somewhere else? i don't have any choice ler. hope i can do all at below to continue working and concentrate in work :

1) cheer myself up
2) increase my mental
3) focus in work
4) ignore the side that bothering me
5) fight for the right
6) strong enough to face any situation

Anyway thanks to officemates, for those who understand what is the thing i going through at this time. Semoga ku diberikan kekuatan untuk menghadapi segalanya dengan tabah..

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