When you make a mistake, your goal should be to better your situation. Very often, if handled correctly, a graceful recovery from a mistake can put you in a better situation than before the mistake was made. As always, look for the positives in the situation and use your persuasive speaking skills to convince others of those benefits if necessary.
Here are some suggestions on how to best handle mistakes you make, or mistakes made by those for whom you are responsible.
- Take action to better the situation quickly. You may not always be able to correct the mistake right away, but almost always you can do something to better the situation. The key is to act quickly.
- Do not call attention to your mistake unless it is necessary. Some mistakes do require public attention - as in the Ford incident. However, most mistakes can and do go unnoticed unless the one who makes the mistake calls attention to it. A good example of this is in public speaking. While giving speeches, I sometimes lose my place or skip some content, but the audience does not know it because I never say "Whoops... I lost my place" - I simply continue on like no mistake was made.
- Don't play the blame game. If you made the mistake, or if someone for whom you are responsible made the mistake, take responsibility for the mistake. Admit your error and assure others that you are taking action to improve the situation. Trying to avoid responsibility for a mistake for which you are responsible does not say much for your character.
- Apologize. If your mistake negatively affects others, apologize, especially if they bring the mistake to your attention. Do not try to justify or explain your mistake, simply apologize.
- Use humor. When appropriate, use humor to draw attention away from your mistake and lighten up the situation. It is especially important to be able to laugh at your own mistakes.
It takes a person of character to gracefully and effectively deal with their own mistakes. This process is another one to which many people attribute their success. We all make mistakes and we can all recover from our mistakes with a little effort, character, and positive mental attitude.
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