Thursday, 2 April 2009

A Piece of person

i wonder why some peeple keep jelousy about other person life and talk negative about us? is not wrong to 'be jealous with others, with the conditon if u want to be like the person, u have to strive for it. bukan dengan mengata yang bukan-bukan dan memburukkan orang itu pada orang lain. i've got some example which happend in my own life. ada yang tak puas hati kalau hidup kita:

a) More Succes
b) Much Prettier/Handsome and
c) More Rich

For what i realized that most of the catogories which complaining bout other person are women. Isn't true? In life actually women ni suka sibuk story pot pet pot pet hal orang pun. But mostlynya yang seakan tak puas hati sekiranya others click dia lebih sikit.

for me, kehidupan ini ibarat sebuah cerita. Kita sendiri yang perlu mencorakkannya bagi mencantikkan lagi jalan ceritanya. so it's our own responsibility to be successfull or the other side

So for those yang have this habits, these are some tips to be succees in life:

1) Set your goal
2) be reponsibility in whatever situation u are
2) be honest in whatever to do
3) be brave to face the reality
4) make friends with all level
5) "Hidup biarlah berkat" dalam apa jua yang kita lakukan

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